Success Online

Intro 5.

Welcome from Albie Derbyshire & Elizabeta Kuzevska

Program Details:


Let's Get Advertising!


Start advertising and promoting!

If you are NEW to advertising, then go here.
Come back when you're done.

Otherwise, go inside your Prosperity Marketing System to the Training Course Tab
and then Go down to Free Traffic and Elite Traffic Club and
get all your Traffic Bonuses and then start promoting.

Don't forget that 1000 hits (not 1000 "sends") is how many actual website views you
need to get the "ball rolling" and for you to begin getting subscribers online.
Anything less than this is NOT enough. Ask us to share with you your hits each week and
we will be glad to. If you're getting 1000 hits a week but not getting subscribers,
we may need to change your ad pages.

Here's a little training on how to clikc on ads for credits and
how to do it FASTER than most people know how to do it: here. 

If you want ad copy and Email Swipes, then you can find them
inside PMS under: Training / Email Swipes.

Here's a sample success story to help you get an idea of what has worked
in the past and can work again for you: here.

Then...continue here:

Sponsor Ads:

Track all your links at BuildabizOnline. 

More Safeslist's at
Five Secrets 



Have Questions?
Connect with us at

We're here to help you! 

Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


Created byAlbie Derbyshire 2020